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NSR® ~ Nervous System Recalibration

Can blending Eastern and Western medicine be the key to success for your patients and clients?

The Nervous Systems Role In Mental Health

Are your patients and clients stuck? 

Are you stuck? 


According to Polyvagal Theory by Dr. Stephen Porges, 80% of our emotions are coming from the body to the brain. Our nervous system is running at 264 mph. So when you consider our emotions are predominantly body based and moving at 264 mph, it's easy to see why many folks aren't healing with mindset strategies or talk therapies,  especially folks with trauma. The evidence shows that working with the body is where the roots of healing will happen.

What Is NSR®?

It's the first ever Chakra Parts Therapy

to recalibrate your nervous system.


Rooted in the combination of evidenced based aspects of the chakra system and modern science, NSR Process® is a method of extracting stored information and allowing real time changes to occur, thus bringing the nervous system into a new state of healing.  Often the unconscious parts of ourselves are interfering with the healing process, either due to developmental interference, attachment issues or trauma.   NSR Process® works with the creative side of the brain, right hemisphere, which tends to stay online during times of overwhelm, fear or trauma.  Often these emotional states  suspend the functions of the left hemisphere, which is the more analytical / logical side. 











Why NSR™?  Trauma is not in the event,

but rather the feelings stored in the body after the event.


According to Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps The Score, researchers would ask a trauma survivor to sit inside an MRI machine. They would then ask them to recall memories and see where the brain stimulated. They found that the right side, especially in recalling traumatic memories, activated while the left side of the brain completely shut down.  As a result, trauma survivors cannot put into words or logic what happened to them. As Dr. van der Kolk states, “In technical terms they are experiencing the loss of executive functioning.”  


David Hosier, MSc in his work on Childhood Trauma Recovery, teaches the right brain involves our ability to empathize with others, trust others, emotions, form healthy attachments, and know non-verbal communication.


By bringing together this evidenced based research by leading trauma authorities, we know the left hemisphere of the brain tends to go offline during a traumatic event and leaves the creative, attachment driven and emotional side to "fill in the blanks" about what's occurring. This is why NSR Process™ leverages the right brain activity to get to the root of the unconscious feelings stored in the body.

Traditional talk therapy only helps a person cope with trauma, not heal it. “Trauma comes back as a reaction, not a memory.”  Dr. Bessel van der Kolk


“I feel like my clients have 

fast tracked their  therapy.”


Emily Altman, LCSW

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The word chakra in Sanskrit means "wheel or disk".  In science it is a bundle called nerve ganglion. You've probably felt your throat chakra activate and tighten when you are about to say something important. There are 7 major chakras in your body that store physical, mental and emotional information. Just as you have a respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous system, you have a chakra system.


Recalibration: To gently bring the system that has drifted off course back to a new reference point. This allows you to reset and renew. The NSR™ Process offers an opportunity to create a safe, compassionate way of accessing less cognitive parts of ourselves from where they are currently stuck in a story to being nurtured, valued and transformed.  We can reconnect to ourselves in a more conscious and whole way.. Wholeness is key.

Chakra Parts Therapy

Parts Work Therapy has been around for many years including Gestalt Therapy, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Voice Dialogue, and Jungian Archetypal work. This is the first parts therapy work based on the chakra system. Parts work therapy addresses hidden agendas between different parts of ourselves that are usually responsible for gridlock in your emotional healing. These hidden parts can be sabotaging and NSR can help you identify them. 

Nervous system developmental centers 

The common understanding of charkas excludes a number of items important to the body/mind connection,  feelings, emotions, childhood trauma, PTSD and the understanding of the vagus nerve connection.

Nervous system developmental centers (NSDC)

is a more inclusive definition of these areas and incorporates feelings, emotions, childhood trauma, PTSD and the understanding of the vagus nerve connection.

Development of the chakras are much like
Erickson's stages of development or Maslow's Hierarchy.   
Each area builds upon the next. 
Trauma, family dynamics or attachment
issues can interfere with each stage. 
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